Learn Hiragana

There are 3 alphabetes in Japanese:Hiragana,KatakanaandKanji.

hiragana gomenasai girl

Hiraganais the basic Japanese alphabet. Contrary to the English alphabet however, each character represents one syllable sound. Below, you will find a quick reference for how to draw each of the symbols.

a -

hiragana a

i -

hiragana i

u -

hiragana u

e -

hiragana e

o -

hiragana o

ka -

hiragana ka

ki -

hiragana ki

ku -

hiragana ku

ke -

hiragana ke

ko -

hiragana ko

sa -

hiragana sa

shi -

hiragana shi

su -

hiragana su

se -

hiragana se

so -

hiragana so

ta -

hiragana ta

chi -

hiragana chi

tsu -

hiragana tsu

te -

hiragana te

to -

hiragana to

na -

hiragana na

ni -

hiragana ni

nu -

hiragana nu

ne -

hiragana ne

ne - no

hiragana ne

ha -

hiragana ha

hi -

hiragana hi

fu -

hiragana fu

he -

hiragana he

ho -

hiragana ho

ma -

hiragana ma

mi -

hiragana mi

mu -

hiragana mu

me -

hiragana me

mo -

hiragana mo

ya -

hiragana ya

yu -

hiragana yu

yo -

hiragana yo

ra -

hiragana ra

ri -

hiragana ri

ru -

hiragana ru

re -

hiragana re

ro -

hiragana ro

wa -

hiragana wa

wi -

hiragana wi

wo -

hiragana wo

n -

hiragana n

Dakuten and Handakuten

Now that you know how to draw the characters, you should also know something about theDakuten (゛)andHandakuten (゚).

These dyacritics will change a bit some of the vowels we've just learned:

(Ka)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Ga)

(Ki)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Gi)

(Ku)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Gu)

(Ke)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Ge)

(Ko)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Go)

(Sa)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Za)

(Shi)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Ji)

(Su)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Zu)

(Se)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Ze)

(So)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Zo)*The character also has a variant namely

(Ta)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Da)

(Chi)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Dji)

(Tsu)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Dzu)

(Te)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (De)

(To)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Do)

(Ha)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Ba) (Ha)used with the handakuten (゚) will become (Pa)

(Hi)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Bi) (Hi)used with the handakuten (゚) will become (Pi)

(Fu)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Bu) (Fu)used with the handakuten (゚) will become (Pu)

(He)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Be) (He)used with the handakuten (゚) will become (Pe)

(Ho)used with the dakuten (゛) will become (Bo) (Ho)used with the handakuten (゚) will become (Po)

Hiragana Dyagraphs

If you thought the fun part is over when it comes to this script, you are wrong, my friend! In hiragana we also have theseDyagraphswhich are basically groups of theや (Ya), ゆ (Yu), よ (Yo) vowels plus a consonant. Let's have a look at them:

きゃ (Kya)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeぎゃ (Gya)

きゅ (Kyu)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeぎゅ (Gyu)

きょ (Kyo)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeぎょ (Gyo)

しゃ (Sha)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeじゃ (Ja)

しゅ (Shu)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeじゅ (Ju)

しょ (Sho)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeじょ (Jo)

ちゃ (Cha)

ちゅ (Chu)

ちょ (Cho)

にゃ (Nya)

にゅ (Nyu)

にょ (Nyo)

ひゃ (Hya)used with the dakuten (゛) will becomeびゃ (Bya)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeぴゃ (Pya)

ひゅ (Hyu)used with the dakuten (゛) will becomeびゅ (Byu)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeぴゅ (Pyu)

ひょ (Hyo)used with the dakuten (゛) will becomeびょ (Byo)used with the handakuten (゚) will becomeぴょ (Pyo)

みゃ (Mya)

みゅ (Myu)

みょ (Myo)

りゃ (Rya)

りゅ (Ryu)

りょ (Ryo)

Practice time!

Practice makes perfect so for starters I will give you some words with the hiragana characters.

うえ (up/above)

あい (love)

いいえ (no)

あおい (blue)

えいが (movie)

こえ (voice)

かく (to write)

かげ (shadow)

きおく (memory)

かぎ (key)

おおきい (big)

しお (salt)

じこ (accident)

すし (sushi)

さいご (last)

おさけ (alcohool)

すぐ (immediately)

がくせい (student)

かさ (umbrella)

おかしい (weird)

すこし (a little)

きし (knight)

さすう (to invite)

うさぎ (rabbit)

かえす (to return)

こうこうせい (student)

さがす (to search)

さく (to bloom)

おねがい (please/request)

ねこ (cat)

おかね (money)

いぬ (dog)

ふくざつ (complicated)

はな (flower)

はなび (fireworkds)

きもの (kimono)

まいにち (every day)

むずかし (difficult)

あたま (head)


おふろ (bath)

さる (monkey)

くすり (medicine)

きょう (today)

わたし (I/me)

たんじょうび (birthday)

おかあさん (mother)

Writing time!

Let's see if you can recognize the characters correctly

As a final practice material, I will also give you this cute little table with hiragana characters:

Gomenasai hiragana girl